Two of my favorite words in the English language

11 Whirlwind the Whistler carries away Golden Tress - Russian Fairy Book 1916, illustrator Frank C Pape

Ask any writer and they will tell you they love writing ‘The End.’

I’ve finished my smooth draft of Neil and Sam’s story. It is such a relief. Though I probably shouldn’t start celebrating yet, not until I write up the synopsis and do one final read through.

Maybe just a mini celebration.

Have you tried the online game Free Rice? It tests your vocabulary and helps feed the hungry.  For each correct answer you give, the site donates 10 grains of rice through the World Food Program. That’s not very much, but as the game is addictive, it can add up to a substantial amount of rice being donated. (They raise the money from advertising shown on the site.)

Did I mention it was addictive? You have been warned.

You. Are. Amazing.

Things to be thankful for right now:

  1. I have my family
  2. I have my health.
  3. I have a whole day off from work, so I can fit in some writing in somewhere.
  4. You. Yes, you. I saw you hiding back there. You. Are. Amazing.

What are some things that you can be thankful for?

The television and social media have been so dark lately. This website is my new happy place where I go when I want to remember that It’s Not All Dark.

Not Always Hopeless

Quote: Coolidge on Persistence

Marines crawl under barbed wire

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge

I need to revise three more chapters before I can reach the finish line with Neil and Sam’s story.

I think I can, I think I can…

Update: joggling

Did you know there really is such a thing as joggling? Juggling while jogging. That’s kind of how I feel right now. Trying to keep several balls in the air while moving forward.

  • I’ve sent His Forgotten Fiancée to meet its just fate in the hands of reviewers. (Note: there’s a Goodreads giveaway if you’d like to get your hands on an autographed print copy. Just saying.)
  • I’ve sent Geoff and Lia’s story to the editor, so it’s out of my hands for the moment.
  • I’m charging through Neil and Sam’s story, hoping to have it ready to go by next week.

I don’t look anything like the guy in the picture, but I think I might have a similar expression on my face.

The Battle of the Covers!

All right, so perhaps ‘battle’ isn’t the mot juste.  But it made for a dramatic title.

Love Inspired published a Cover vs. Cover post on Facebook, comparing His Forgotten Fiancée with A Mother for his Family, by Susanne Dietze. I must say, her cover is lovely. I do enjoy a good Regency novel.

But does her cover have a kitten on it? It does not. Tsk, I say.

Zorro the Inquisitive

Srsly? No kitteh?

Do you prefer Regency elegance or cute kittens on a cover? Please go check out the covers on Facebook and share your opinion!23116635_10155781262529666_2918901991707960731_o

Download a sample of His Forgotten Fiancée!

His Forgotten Fiancée

Read a sample of my First Ever Book!

Good news! The opening of His Forgotten Fiancée is now available on Overdrive! It is in eBook format. Does a Kindle device know to translate that? I need to investigate. If anyone knows the answer, could you let me know?

I love that you can sample a book and decide whether it’s something you’d like.


Samplers! I love samplers!