“All right, Mr. de Mille, I’m ready for my close up.”

I should probably make a confession. IMG_1515

That headshot of a kitten?

Not what I really look like.

It seems that authors need to promote themselves, not just their books. So when my local chapter of the Romance Writers of America offered a photo shoot opportunity, with professional hair, makeup, and photography, I decided to go for it.

I had my hair done, then makeup was applied. Finally, a photographer put me under the spotlight and Took My Picture. Argh.

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Um… I wasn’t argh-ing the photographer or the make up and hair stylists. All were very professional. But I HATE HAVING MY PICTURE TAKEN. Plus, it was about 90 degrees outside, and with all the bright lights in the room it was hotter than that inside. And makeup always makes my eyes turn bloodshot, which is not my favorite look. I kept the Visine handy.

This is a necessary part of my transition from a hermit, who sits in her cave typing up words that no one has ever read, and an author, who wants people to read her book. So it’s something I’m going to have to get used to. Eventually.

Maybe I should try channeling my inner Drama Queen.